Industry COllaboration

We aim to work with cannabis businesses to raise market quality standards and promote consumer safety through transparency and coordinated industry self-regulation. Join us to stand united for a safe and fair market.

License Holders (including Hemp): let us host your COAS, participate in R&D testing or secret shopping, build consumer trust with transparency, maintain safety standards and earn the Safe Leaf seal of approval (Available Summer 2025)

Cannabis Testing Laboratories: we would like to test with you! The more data the better as we are seeking to understand the current variance in the market.
[NJAC 17.30 18 permits the testing of personal samples]

Though we are unable to test cannabis beyond state lines - labs outside of New Jersey are encouraged to participate in our upcoming white papers.

Compliance professionals, educational groups, nonprofits, hemp producers, medical groups, researchers, and more are welcome to collaborate!